About Us

Who We Are

Seed Church began in March 2020, in Whitestone, Queens, NY. We are part of the Classis Hudson of CRCNA, and currently, through God’s guidance, we are serving the Long Island City area of Queens.



As ones who receive God’s love, we love God and love our neighbors. Because we love God, we aspire to be more than just His fans, but His followers. Because God is love, we work to create a loving community.


When the church gathers to welcome and be just, people can meet God. Just as Jesus welcomed the poor and needy, we aspire to do the same by sharing our belongings and our time. As Jesus fought for the overlooked, we aspire to pursue equity and righteousness in our daily living.


We follow God the creator and inspire new culture in Greater New York City. We aim to create the habit of being content in God’s love within Immigrant families. We imbue the 21st Century Christian culture within daily city life.

Our Leader

Pastor - Insoo Oh

Fully enveloped in God’s love and also loving God with all his heart - Pastor Insoo Oh is husband to Joyce Oh and father to his two sons, Aiden and Austin Oh. Pastor Ohand the leaders of Seed Church worship together and profess their belief in Jesus Christ. Pastor Oh dreams for a burst of renewal in God’s followers within the streets of New York.

Westminster Theological Seminary M.div.
New York University Musical Theatre Writing M.A.
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary Th.M.

Our History


  1. First Prayer Night

  2. First Sunday Service

  3. First Baptism on Easter Sunday

  4. First Picnic

  5. First VBS

  6. First Membership Service on Thanksgiving

  7. Last Service of 2020


  1. First Winter Retreat

  2. First Anniversary Service

  3. First Infant Baptism, VBS

  4. Summer Retreat

  5. First Service at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Whitestone

  6. Fall Family Festival


  1. Installation Service

  2. SeedTZN Sounds 1

  3. Philadelphia Mission Trip

  4. Joint Summer Retreat

  5. SeedTZN Sounds 2

  6. Evangelism Outreach at Grand Central Station


  1. Winter Retreat

  2. Last Service at Immanuel Lutheran Church

  3. Long Island City Service

  4. Service at a Park

  5. Evangelism


An Introduction

The Christian Reformed Church in North America has its roots in the Christian Reformation of the 16th century. Approximately 200 years ago, a group of Calvinists left the Netherlands to begin a new life in North America, and those groups that settled in Holland, Michigan officially began the Christian Reformed Church in North America in 1857.

Just like many immigrant churches at the time, CRC churches held their worship in their mother tongue, Dutch, and they were also ethnically uniform. However, as time went by, CRC churches began to grow and became one of the recognized denominations in North America. Soon after, as Korean Presbyterians immigrated to North America, Korean CRC Ministries expanded with California as its epicenter. Currently, Korean CRC Churches make up around 10% of the denomination.

Our Reach

Approximately 1,100 churches and 230,000 people are part of the CRC denomination. Amongst churches, around 75% are based in the United States, with the other 25% located in Canada. 56% of CRC churches are situated in metropolitan areas. There are around 120 Korean-speaking churches, with 58% of them based on the West Coast - either in California or Washington.

Our Character

CRCNA maintains its conservative faith while also embracing and celebrating different ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, traditions, and gifts. CRCNA started out as a single-ethnic congregation, but it holds its vision of multi-ethnic churches and is constantly working and investing toward that vision.

CRC believes that our faith is fundamental to our lives, and preaches the importance of aligning our daily lives with our faith. CRC also not only emphasizes the significance of individual salvation but also the value of evangelism. Coffee Break, a bible study plan designed and created by CRC to aid in evangelizing non-believers, is used all across the United States and beyond, in all parts of the world.

CRC respects the autonomy of all registered CRC churches, and have collectively and orderly reconciled religious issues that arose due to its characteristics as immigrant churches for the past 150 years. Its systematic methods of operation, modeled after the Bible, are quickly becoming a model example of a healthy, thriving immigrant church.

Have a question about Seed Church? Contact us today.